Meeting Minutes
January 12, 2009
Memorial Town Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Martha Waite, Mary Ricker, Mark Johnson
MEMBERS ABSENT: Debra Sciascia
OTHERS PRESENT: Andrea Crete, Board of Health Agent and Recording Secretary, Randy Mizereck, Consultant
M. Waite called the Board of Health Meeting to order at 5:02 PM.
• November 24, 2008: M. Waite made a motion to change the wording on the first page, last paragraph under Wood Burning Complaint to specify that the letter from the neighbors stating they could smell wood smoke did not specify 1 Hawthorne as the source. A. Crete will change modify the existing wording as such.
• Lot 14 Chapin Road: John E. Finlay for Sean A. Xenos. New Construction. This lot was previously approved at a Board of Health meeting on March 29, 2005. A one year extension was granted with conditions at a Board of Health meeting on February 25, 2008. Lot 14 has come before the board for septic plan changes. The Board approved these changes based on the following conditions:
1. Stake out the SAS and well Locations.
2. A physical barrier is recommended between the driveway and the closest component of SAS so as not to drive over any of the pipes.
3. An Observation Port is needed in the SAS per Title 5.
4. A gas baffle or DEP approved effluent tee filter is needed for the septic tank outlet per Title 5.
5. Two additional deep observation holes (one in the reserve area and one in the primary SAS) need to be done, along with obtaining the soil evaluator statement (310 CMR 15.018 (2) ) for the existing deep holes and percs done by Jim Morin, if these existing soil tests done in the SAS and reserve are to be used. Otherwise, a total of four new deep observation holes, and two new perc tests will need to be done.
M. Waite motioned to approve with the above conditions 1 - 5. M. Ricker seconded. All in favor, approved.
• Wood Burning Complaint: Richard and Linda Martino were accompanied by Deacon Norbert H. Archibald, from St. George's Church, and an acquaintance Douglas Miller, a Jefferson resident. The Martino's were aggrieved by the Board of Health's letter dated 12-9-08 in regards to a final decision to not abate wood burning at 1 Hawthorne Road. The Martino's feel the situation is still an ongoing problem. They brought in an American flag they hang outside to show the Board how it smelt of wood smoke. Deacon Norbert and Mr. Miller have both been to the Martino residence and claim to have smelt a strong wood smoke smell. Mr. Martino stated his screens have soot build up on them because of the smoke from 1 Hawthorne. The Martino's stated they would like the Board of Health to abate 1 Hawthorne wood burning until a solution has been
All board members have driven by 1 and 3 Hawthorne and have not found wood smoke to be a problem. M. Waite stated that other areas of Holden have a much worse wood smoke smell as compared to Hawthorne Road. M. Johnson had recommended the residents at 1 Hawthorne change the intake on the boiler. He asked him as a fellow parishioner at church. The final decision to not abate wood burning at 1 Hawthorne Road is still agreed on.
Next Meeting: February 9, 2009 at 5:00PM.
M. Waite motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting. M. Ricker seconded. All in favor.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:09PM.
January 12, 2009 minutes approved: March 16, 2009
Andrea Crete, Recording Secretary